mkdir wallpaperfm
cd wallpaperfm
wget http://ledazibao.free.fr/wallpaperfm/wallpaperfm.py
chmod a+x wallpaperfm.py
./wallpaperfm.py -u YOURLASTFMUSERNAME -m 所要模式及其他參數...
在 Windows上使用時,因為Windows系統預設沒有對Python語言的支援,所以要先下載Python的Windows版本及其相關模組檔案 PIL(Python Imaging Library),請注意PIL支援版本必須要和Python版本相合,Python版本請下載x86版本即可。
X:/wallpaperfm/wallpaperfm.py -u YOURLASTFMUSERNAME -m 所要模式及其他參數...
tile mode (-m tile):
-a, --AlbumSize: [130] size of the albums, in pixel.
-s, --Interspace: [5] space between in tile, in pixel.
X:/wallpaperfm/wallpaperfm.py -u YOURLASTFMUSERNAME –m tile
glass mode (-m glass):
-n, --AlbumNumber: [7] number of albums to show.
-d, --EndPoint: [75] controls when the shadow ends, in percentage of the album s
-r, --Offset: [40] starting value of opacity for the shadow.
X:/wallpaperfm/wallpaperfm.py -u YOURLASTFMUSERNAME –m glass
collage mode (-m collage):
-a, --AlbumSize: [250] size of the albums, in pixel.
-o, --AlbumOpacity: [90] maximum opacity of each album, from 0 to 100.
-n, --AlbumNumber: [50] number of albums to show.
-g, --GradientSize: [15] portion of the album in the gradient, from 0 to 100
-p, --Passes: [4] number of iterations of the algorithms.
X:/wallpaperfm/wallpaperfm.py -u YOURLASTFMUSERNAME –m collage
對於wallpaperfm.py整體而言其主要的參數如下: -u, --Username: your last.fm username.
-f, --Filename: the filename where the image will be saved. Username by default.
-t, --Past: [overall] how far back should the profile go. One of 3month,6month,12month or overall.
-O, --FinalOpacity: [80] darkness of the final image. from 0 to 100
-i, --ImageSize: [1280x1024] size of the final image. Format: numberxnumber
-c, --CanvasSize: size of the canvas. = image size by default.
-e, --Cache: [wpcache] path to the cache.
-x, --ExcludedList: ['http://cdn.last.fm/depth/catalogue/noimage/cover_med.gif']
excluded urls, comma separated.
-l, --Local: use a local copy of the charts. Ideal for using it offline or being
kind to the last.fm servers.
X:/wallpaperfm>wallpaperfm.py -u xxxxxx -t 12month -p 20 -n 200 -i 2560x1600 -c 3000x2000 -a 150 -o 100 -g 10 -m collage -f mywallpaper -O 85
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